Small Jerusalem Cherry
Regular price$12.00

Takes indirect bright light ie; a north facing window

Also takes direct light ie; a south facing window

Plant size: the nursery pot is 4" in diameter.

Delivered locally to all major northeast cities, safe arrival guaranteed :)

Kept in optimal condition during transit, in our own van :)

Water thoroughly every 5-7 days (when the first inch of soil dries)

Not pet-friendly
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Also known as the Christmas or Winter Cherry, the Jerusalem cherry is actually native to South America and is a part of the nightshade family– so it smells a little like tomatoes! Even though it smells delicious, and fruits look inviting, this plant is toxic, so please do not eat any of it.
Keep this plant in a spot that gets full sun and be sure to water when the first 2-3" of soil is dry. Some direct light would be beneficial, but not too much as it might burn the foliage. In the spring and summer, this plant will produce small, white flowers! When you see the flowers, gently shake the plant every day to encourage pollination and plenty of fruit!