Medium Zebra Plant
Also known as the Saffron Spike, or if you wanted to call it by its latin name, Aphelandra Squarrosa, the Zebra Plant is native to the Atlantic forest region of Brazil. With its captivating deep green leaves, white veins (which give it its resemblance to a zebra) and signature yellow flowers, this plant will scream its beauty throughout your home!
Naturally growing under the forest canopy, the zebra plant thrives in medium to bright indirect light, high humidity, warm temperatures and will grow up to 2 ft. tall indoors. This makes them great for areas in the house that may not get too muh light, but get a decent amount, and have high humidity, such as a bathroom or kitchen. With twelve weeks of exposure to brighter light, you will see the yellow bract appear, and flowers start to bloom! Once the small flowers begin to die, prune them off for optimal growth of the plant! Over time this plant may lose its flower, but don’t be alarmed, this is just a natural occurrence in the plant's life cycle and it will come back annually!