Medium Monstera Peru

Unlike the rest of its Monstera cousins, the Monstera Peru (Monstera karstenianum) does not have the typical cutouts on their foliage. Instead, the Peru's leaves are smaller, only about 4" long, and form a more traditional leaf shape. They have ridges and grooves, and are such a bright, shiny green that they almost look polished. Even with the difference in foliage, they are still Monsteras, so they're toxic to pets and small children who like to munch on leaves.
The monstera Peru does not require a crazy amount of light to thrive! A nice, bright window that receives several hours of bright, indirect light is perfect for these plants. Avoid putting the plant in the direct sunlight, the thick leaves of the monstera Peru are susceptible to burning.
Because the thick leaves retain some more water than the rest of the Monstera family, the Peru won't need water as much as its cousins normally require. Let the plant dry out before you thoroughly water — when the planter is light, that's when you know it's time to water.
The monstera Perus are slow growers, so they won't need a repotting any time soon. They are natural climbers and explorers, so you'll see a boost in new growth if you supply the plant with a moss pole or a trellis!