Medium Global Green Pothos

Commonly known as the Global Pothos, or if you want to call it by its latin name, Epipremnum Aureum, this popular, easy-to-care-for plant is native to the tropics of Southeast Asia. With its light and dark green variegation, and rounded leaves, this plant gets its name due to its striking resemblance to planet Earth!
Being that it's from a tropical environment, it thrives in moderate humidity, medium to indirect bright light, warm temperatures, slightly dry soil and can vine/climb up to 10 ft. indoors. This makes them great to be potted in a hanging basket and placed in a decently lit room!
Over time this plant may become leggy, but don’t be alarmed, this is just a natural occurrence in the plant's life cycle and if you prune back to just under the last node, it will encourage new, more compact growth.