Hanging Spider Plant

The beautiful, hardy, drought resistant, air-purifying Spider plants are perfect for every level of plant parent! Commonly known as the Spider Ivy, this fast-growing plant is native to coastal areas of South Africa. They show off some long, arching, green and white variegated leaves, and are accompanied by shoots of tiny blooms that will grow into tiny plant babies that you can snip off and propagate! The Spider Plant is sure to surprise and delight!
Spider plants love a bright, indirect light! They can tolerate many different light levels, including heavy shade, but their growth won't be as lush, and direct sunlight can scorch the leaves.
These plants love a moist soil, so water when the first 2-3" of soil is dry and water until you see it draining from the bottom of the pot. These are incredibly forgiving, so a forgotten watering or two is okay.
Spider plants will grow anywhere from 1 to 2 ft. indoors, not including the long offshoots of platelets that brach out and trail down! Snip those spider babies and place them in a jar of water until you see roots that have grown at least 3" long. then plant in a 3-4" pot to propagate!