Full Size Monstera 'Thai Constellation'

With huge, cutout leaves and a smattering of creamy white variegation against a deep emerald green, the Thai Constellation Monstera is a Once In a Lifetime kind of plant. As its name begins to explain, the Thai Constellation was cultivated in Thailand, from a simply tissue culture! Monsteras are normally relatively easy to care for, we recommend this variety for the more experienced plant parent. The heavy variegation, while absolutely stunning, makes it so the greener parts of the leaves need to work double time to turn sunlight into enough energy to grow and thrive. This plant might come with a hefty price tag and a few extra responsibilities, but the reward of a huge, healthy Thai Constellation is more than enough payback.
Place the Thai Constellation near a window where it can receive a minimum of 6 to 8 hours of bright indirect light each day. Rotate your Monstera periodically to ensure even growth on all sides and dust the leaves often so the plant can photosynthesize equally on all sides.
Root rot is common with this plant, meaning over-watering is worse for the Thai Constellation than under-watering. Monstera are tropical plants, which means they enjoy quite a lot of water, but hate when their roots are wet for too long. But be careful - they also don't like to dry out! Wait until the top half of the soil is dry before a thorough watering.
These plants love the humidity: the higher the moisture level in the air, the more rapid the growth. Place a pebble tray under the pot or place a humidifier nearby, and mist daily. A sign that your plant is longing for a little more humidity is brown tipping on edges of its leaves, a dry papery leaf texture, or curling leaf edges.
Prune away any old, yellowed, or drooping leaves at the end of each growing season. This helps improve air circulation and release nutrients for younger leaves. In the right conditions, the Monstera Thai Constellation will grow about 1 to 2 feet a year. Repot it once every two years in a pot that is at the MOST 2 inches larger than the last pot.